
Showing posts from March, 2021

Project Key Post 2

 Cord Cutting In America    America has seen it's fair share of innovation and advancements in technology, because of this we have seen new technology grow and die all in one generation. With the extent of the technology around us, we will assertively be unable to keep it all in the future. Some technologies will eventually die off and some may continue one for an unprecedented amount of time. Cord Cutting however, is one of those times where we see a technology grow in size and expansiveness just to be dropped for the newest thing; streaming platforms. Streaming platforms took cable companies off the map with the newest and fastest movies for everyone to enjoy, at a fraction of the cost, what's not to love. While a charming offer it is, this process of leaving the cable companies is called cord cutting, or moving to another, more expressive form of media. When we move past one old type of technology we relate it most commonly with the laggard side of the Diffusion Theory graph