My Top 5 News Outlets

 My Top 5 News Outlets

Snapchat - Using Snapchats preview and story page, while not always a reliable source of information, it is still useful to get trigger words and trigger headlines for further investigation using. Other sources will have their cites down and make sure to follow through with all of the tangents that could form from the story.

New York Times - An obvious choice due to the publications stature alone, New York Times shows everything you would need in order to make sure a story is true or not. While not my favorite outlet due to the accessibility since it is a website versus a television station.

Fox News - While not my preferred station of news, Fox News allows easy access to everyday news as well as international events. Slightly biased stations will put a spin on what actually happens during the broadcast. Sadly however, this station does this as well.

CNN - This station, much like Fox news has a slight spin based on their views as a company, however, they do cover very important information that other outlets may not.

iFunny - While this last one on the list is not what one would call a normal "News Outlet", and more of a meme page, this site allows for the integration of news into everyday jokes and comedic pictures. For people that don't look at every news outlet or story, it is an effective way to get your news without overwhelming yourself.


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