
Project Key Post 2

 Cord Cutting In America    America has seen it's fair share of innovation and advancements in technology, because of this we have seen new technology grow and die all in one generation. With the extent of the technology around us, we will assertively be unable to keep it all in the future. Some technologies will eventually die off and some may continue one for an unprecedented amount of time. Cord Cutting however, is one of those times where we see a technology grow in size and expansiveness just to be dropped for the newest thing; streaming platforms. Streaming platforms took cable companies off the map with the newest and fastest movies for everyone to enjoy, at a fraction of the cost, what's not to love. While a charming offer it is, this process of leaving the cable companies is called cord cutting, or moving to another, more expressive form of media. When we move past one old type of technology we relate it most commonly with the laggard side of the Diffusion Theory graph

The First iPhone and Beyond

  The First iPhone             The first iPhone came out on June 29 in 2007, going for a whopping $500 original retail price. A revolutionary new product with a touch display instead of buttons took the world by storm. In the race for the newest and best phone on the market Apple completely changed the game by making the new best thing to be buttonless phones that can also take photos. By November of 2007 there had already been 1.4 million sold grossing around $700,000,000 in revenue in only a couple months. Needless to say, the phone was a hit. 5 years after the release of the iPhone around 200 million had been sold sending Apple far past their competition at the time. After their initial success Apple has been making iPhones almost every year with the exception of a few. The iPhone 2 and iPhone 9 were never made with this generation being skipped entirely and they are now up to their 12 th generation with the iPhone 12 Pro Max. With the increased rate of innovation, it is not hard

Project Key Post

  Media Law and Literacy Project Key Post             Technology through the years has evolved in such a way that it has allowed us to evolve as a society good and bad. Something that was once seen as science fiction or even impossible could just as easily be here today. Almost 50 years ago, the very first mobile phone call was made on the DynaTAC “Brick” phone weighing in at 2 ½ pounds and almost the size of the shoe box. The call was made to a rival phone company, AT&T, by Martin Cooper, a Motorola researcher and executive after a long-standing competition to be first.             With the first phone being not very convenient or efficient, with a 10-hour charge time, the race for innovation was on. 16 years later, the 3210 by Nokia was shown to the public and ever since then it has been a very harsh competition back and forth. Much faster than the last invention, 5 years later we get the 2004 blackberry we all know and love. One of the more modern phones that we know of this

Anti-War Voices being Silenced

Anti-War Voices being Silenced     Today in America, there has never been more conspiracies and scandals about, and never have they been so public with the aid of news and social media. However, one group in particular is quieter than the rest in the sense that they are rarely heard. Anti war websites and activists are taking to their websites and blogs to explain the tragedies happening in modern day war time. These people however, in a time of mass media and information spread, are not being heard by the people. While there are many speculations as to why, the one that makes the most sense to me is that the government is suppressing these voices as they do not want any interference with their plans in the war. After discussing Americans first amendment in a previous post, it raises the question, why are these people being suppressed and more importantly, why aren't we helping them be heard?

Six Clauses Blog Post

  Six Clauses       When looking at the first amendment in the eyes of the people, we have more liberty than almost anywhere in the world. The first amendment not only allows us to have freedom of speech, but also assembly, petition, to religion, from religion and press. This means as the American people, we are able to do solely, what some can only do organizationally in other countries. This shines a light on a lot of issues in the public, found by the public, whether it be BLM or censorship in the White House from major corporations. This freedom allows any everyday American to call out others that may be abridging someone else's rights. 

The Supreme Court

 The Supreme Court     The supreme court is the be-all for power in the judiciary system. They are the group of justices that get the most important cases that are then deemed either constitutional or not. The justices, while being one of the most sparse groups of government, also do not have to be checked in on by law to see what they are doing. The court receives a letter usually, which is asking for help in a case which the sender has deemed unconstitional. After a very long vetting process, the justices must all agree whether it is or is not unconstitutional as it is stated. Once this is done a case is brought up (Much like Brown vs Ferguson or   Marbury vs Madison. 

My Top 5 News Outlets

 My Top 5 News Outlets Snapchat - Using Snapchats preview and story page, while not always a reliable source of information, it is still useful to get trigger words and trigger headlines for further investigation using. Other sources will have their cites down and make sure to follow through with all of the tangents that could form from the story. New York Times - An obvious choice due to the publications stature alone, New York Times shows everything you would need in order to make sure a story is true or not. While not my favorite outlet due to the accessibility since it is a website versus a television station. Fox News - While not my preferred station of news, Fox News allows easy access to everyday news as well as international events. Slightly biased stations will put a spin on what actually happens during the broadcast. Sadly however, this station does this as well. CNN - This station, much like Fox news has a slight spin based on their views as a company, however, they do cover